Academic Advising


Student Academic Advising Handbook [PDF] 

Major Declaration Form and Guidelines

Pitzer Course Catalogs

Pitzer Career Services 

Associate Dean Phil Zuckerman
[email protected]
Scott Hall 110
(909) 607-4495

Office Hours
Contact via e-mail
Consultation Hours by Appointment

学院承认学生兴趣、能力、需求和风格的广泛多样性. We expect that each student, together with a faculty adviser, 会否根据学院的教育目标,制定一个连贯的学习计划.

学术建议被认为是教师教学角色的一个组成部分. 每位进入匹泽学院的学生都会被指派一名指导教师. 鼓励学生就学术课程的制定和发展与他们的导师经常进行咨询.

Beyond officially designated academic advisers, 我们也鼓励学生与其他教师进行咨询. The faculty represents a wide range of expertise, 教师们会很乐意和学生们谈论他们感兴趣的领域. 与职业和社区服务中心合作, 每个领域组指定一名教员为研究生院指导教师.

在大二下学期的期中考试之前, 学生将选择一位专业指导老师,并开始就专业进行讨论. 学生必须填写一份专业/教育目标表,并在不迟于大三第一学期的中期提交给注册主任办公室.

Advising Program for Students

你与你的学术顾问的关系远远超出了课程注册选择的正式批准. In addition to helping you select courses, 你和导师之间发展的关系应该允许你轻松地讨论诸如设定目标之类的问题, time management, balancing academics with other parts of life, adjusting to the academic rigors of Pitzer College, and more. In short, 你应该和你的导师讨论如何在匹泽取得并保持学业上的成功.

Informal Academic Advice from Pitzer Faculty

“Take initiative. Don’t let someone else determine your life. Strive to be independent.”

“你不必在第一年做所有的事情. There’s time.”

“There’s not that much time. Four years go by quickly. Plan ahead.”


“There are a huge number of really interesting, free events here every week – concerts, speakers, films, art shows, etc. 你应该努力一下,因为一旦离开匹泽,你就没有这样的机会了. 特别是MCSI的程序(Pitzer), the Scripps Humanities Institute, and the Atheneum (CMC).”

“教科书中的内容和讲座中的内容将与高中时不同. Take notes in class.”


“注意有期末考试的课程的期末考试时间, 特别是如果你住在离克莱蒙特很远的地方,需要提前买机票回家.”

“Good decisions depend on good information. Go see your academic adviser.”



“No class is really closed. 如果一门课已经结束了,试着去参加它,或者只去第一堂课. 许多教授宁愿招收第一天就来听课的人, 而不是那些上学期提前注册却没来的人.”

“Know what is required for graduation. 了解关键课程的提供时间和频率.”

“在关键问题上征求别人的意见总是好的, 尤其是当第一个意见来自同学时.”

如果你的同学似乎对自己的未来充满信心,而你却没有, you should know that 1) they are not sure, and 2) it is not good to be too sure too soon.”

“如果你在课堂上遇到问题,去找教授谈谈. That’s why s/he is there. Also talk with your academic adviser, 以及学生事务办公室的学术支持服务.”

“如果你在课堂上没有遇到问题,就去和教授谈谈. 这就是为什么你在一个小文理学院.”


“不要(过于)担心专业或职业的不确定性. Enjoy the chance to explore. Challenge yourself.”

“Don’t wait until the last minute to do the readings or study for an exam; get a good night’s sleep beforehand.”

“一个学期不要选同一位教授的一两门以上的课程, or even on the same topic.”

“Don’t take all introductory courses in the same semester; vary the style of courses – an “intro”, a topical seminar, etc.”

“不要在两三天内完成所有课程. Spread your courses out through the week.”

“Some courses (intro) are taught every year. 有些课程只上一两次,可能是由客座教授教授. If you are interested, take these NOW.”

“你们的教授不会像高中那样整天在校园里闲逛. Go to see them during their posted office hours, 或者提前预约(通常通过电子邮件).”

“Think twice about a double major. 它们确实限制了你在广泛领域学习课程的能力.”

“Are you avoiding any academic subjects? Why? 考虑一下选择一门“及格/无学分”课程的可能性. Take a chance. You might discover a new interest.”


“Buy your books and write in them. Reading is a dialogue between you and the text.”

“Put your name in your books. If you leave it somewhere, you will get it back.”

“You will have more freedom than you are used to. Enjoy it. 但是,在没有经过仔细考虑之前,不要做任何不可挽回的事情.”

“Studying abroad is a good idea.”


“Take a variety of classes. Think about subjects related to a possible major, subjects related to a possible career, subjects you know nothing about, subjects you find challenging, and subjects you find interesting.”

“Find the ideal place for you to study.”

“Make sure you have balance in your life. 你应该在智力上、身体上、社交上和精神上都得到刺激. Stay healthy and eat right.”

“Do not fall behind. 大学课程变化很快,所以想要迎头赶上几乎是行不通的. Skip that party and stay caught up.”

“Seek help – going to talk to professors, to help sessions, 或者对家教来说,这表明你足够聪明,能够利用所提供的东西.”